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About Cancer Nutrition

Cancer nutrition is specialized nutrition during cancer diagnosis and treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and others. It involves a thorough assessment, and understanding of the nutritional needs and requirements, followed by carefully curating a nutrition plan, and lastly having a continuous follow-up process.


It has three primary objectives:


Preventing malnutrition

A dedicated nutrition plan will prevent weight loss and loss of muscle mass. It can help in managing and maintaining weight throughout treatment.


Reducing treatment side effects

Optimum nutrition during cancer treatment helps to sustain treatment better and reduce treatment-associated side effects.


Enhancing quality of life

Nutrition is one of the important units of supportive care in cancer. It helps to improve the quality of life and overall well-being.

Meet our Experts

Best Nutritionist For Cancer Patients


Ekta Chheda

Ex Tata Memorial

Onco Nutritionist

Ekta is a registered dietitian and a trained clinical nutritionist with a special interest in onco nutrition. She has a flair for scientific writing and has published research articles in national and international journals.

Nidhi Singh

Ex Tata Memorial

Onco Nutritionist

Nidhi is a trained clinical nutritionist with a diploma in clinical research. She has experience being a part of research at the Tata Memorial Hospital and shares her passion for onco nutrition.

Happy Faces




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