A Platform for Specialised Cancer Nutrition

What is specialized cancer nutrition?

Malnutrition is common among people with cancer and can indirectly affect treatment outcomes. This is mainly because cancer treatment is known to affect taste and appetite and can cause loss of muscle mass. Hence, nutrition becomes one of the cornerstones in cancer care. Specialized cancer nutrition involves a detailed assessment, curating diet plans plan based on requirements, and continuous monitoring and follow-up to withstand the treatment.

Our Programs

Chemo Care Program

Nutrition support during chemotherapy to manage and reduce side effects

Radiation Care Program

Nutrition support during radiation to manage and reduce side effects

Pre-Surgery Care Program

Program for achieving a good nutritional status to be ready for a surgery

Post-Surgery Care Program

Nutrition support for rehabilitation and recovery after a major surgery

Tube Feeding Program

Special program to enable weight gain and for people who require tube feeding

Palliative care Program

Nutrition support in terminal cancers for a better quality of life

Preventive Program

Program for people who are at an increased risk for cancer and require lifestyle changes

Why Choose Us?

Customised nutrition support

Personalized diet plans and guidelines as per the treatment and requirements

Regular monitoring and follow up

Daily updates, WhatsApp groups, and regular follow up in our programs

Evidence-based nutrition practice

Thorough assessment and diet plans based on experience Onco nutritionists

Book A Consultation

About Onco Heal

Oncoheal is an online platform that is dedicated to offering personalized nutrition by professional cancer nutritionist for people diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment.

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Recipes, Tips & More

Why nutrition and health has gained a lot of importance?

Over the years, nutrition  & health has gained a lot of importance. In these changing times,...

30 minutes a day of exercise can reduce the risk of Cancer.

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A list of Fad Diets for people fighting cancer.

‘Fad diets’ are diet plans which are sold as fastest approach for curing disease and lifestyle...

Join Our Programs Now

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